Sunday, September 27, 2009

Doctor Boogie via... Mystery Mail!

I mentioned the 'Doctor Boogie' Blues 'n' Jazz album only a couple posts back, that I put out, years ago... well, the masters were ruined in a fire in Vancouver, over 15 years ago.. there was NO way I was ever going to replace them...
Or.. so it seemed.. until someone mailed a copy of my work tape to me 'ol Dad! The way I used to record this stuff, was I'd lay down the guitars and maybe bass, and vocals sometimes, and have only a 'kick' track instead of click track.. this (my work tape) I'd take into the studio and add the drums (with a real drummer!), and or rerecord everything, using the tape as a reference... sometimes I'd just dub the tabe directly to multitrack (as i did in this case).
What I got back, in the mail , was that 'work' tape, that I later transferred to MT .. it was the multitrack master that got destroyed in the fire.... The stereo sub-master got wiped over for the next client , and i lost track of the work tape through various moves etc,, until an anonymous mailer sent it back .. and it still sounds OK.. after a while you no longer notice that there's no real drums ... like on the demos I've been posting :)
It's old, too regular ferric tape, and over 25 years old ... so be forwarned. The material was all original, and a lot slicker than my stuff got later on...



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