Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Finally Get to post cleaned up Catch Material!

This is "The Catch".. It has Will Cardinal on bass,  who i swiped from Monte Nordstrom, who swiped hin from ocean, who swiped him from the Bells, who swiped him from Ronnie Hawkins..
He gets around... don't he!
Charlie Wade wuz the drummer/percussionist from Belize ... long way to go for rehearsals ;-)
Played in S.America and wuz with Lord Rhaburn, where he had a Gold record!
Not shabby...
What's more, the bands main lyricist and vocalist, Chris Sherlock, had also produced 2 acclaimed childrens albums for his wife, Mahri Sherlock,  who was Also in "The Catch"..
Heady Company indeed......
...oh..i played guitar....


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