Monday, January 31, 2011

a bran new compooter

yup.. im writing this on a ..brrrr..! ..peecee ...a  Vista one too.. but so far it's not been a bad expereince.. we'll see.. maybe it's cause i'm a mac guy , but i think vista looks pretty good. and i can see my 'followers' tab again..
Later yall.......


Anonymous said...

very cool. new computers are a blast, and then again a pain to set up like you want ....

Doccus Rockus Maximus said...

Hey they should hire me for one of those 'Mac vs PC' commercials.. as a long time mac user i'd SLAUGHTER yhe guy with the jeans..
so far Vista , despite bein Dog slow.. on a dual core 2.3 GH (my G4 beats it on that end).. but in all other regards.. once i got a good AV, firewall, and disabled that hellish UAC, vista just WORKS ... snicker snicker....

Doccus Rockus Maximus said...

soo i snickered a little bit too early ;-(

admittedly i'm unhappy with the fast-track upgrade treadmill that Apple's curremtly on .. making OS's obsolete artificially , and before their time.. i mean, hell, people are still using XP and M$ is hardly dropping it like a hot potato..
Apple's dropped support for EVERY computer they've ever sold before 2007 (the power PC models)
and OS 10.4 too...

Doccus Rockus Maximus said...

but after the Vista nightmare, apple looks pretty good again...